May 23 2021


aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-linedownload utility. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP,BitTorrent and Metalink. aria2 can be manipulated via built-inJSON-RPC and XML-RPC interfaces.

  1. Aria Mac Os Update
  2. Aria Mac Os Catalina


Download version 1.35.0.There you can download source distribution and binaries for OS X, Windows and Android.

Official website of Aria Guitars Co. Leading in quality and excellence of electric, acoustic, bass, and classical guitars since 1965. Update: This continues to be a problem in VoiceOver in Safari 10.0.2, Mac OS Sierra 10.12.2. Window-Eyes 9.1 has opposite bugs in Firefox and IE. In Firefox, it reads all games as if they had aria-atomic='false' (only the changed content), while in IE it reads all games as if they had aria-atomic='true' (all content, even in Game 1, which has. What is Aria Maestosa for Mac Aria Maestosa is an open-source (GPL) midi tracker/editor. It lets you compose, edit and play midi files with a few clicks in a user-friendly interface offering score, keyboard, guitar, drum and controller views.

The legacy releases earlier than 1.19.1 are availablehere.


  • Multi-Connection Download.aria2 can download a filefrom multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize yourmaximum download bandwidth. Really speeds up your downloadexperience.

  • Lightweight.aria2 doesn’t require much memory and CPU time. When disk cache isoff, the physical memory usage is typically 4MiB (normalHTTP/FTP downloads) to 9MiB (BitTorrent downloads). CPU usage inBitTorrent with download speed of 2.8MiB/sec is around 6%.

  • Fully Featured BitTorrent Client.All features you want in BitTorrent client are available: DHT,PEX, Encryption, Magnet URI, Web-Seeding, Selective Downloads,Local Peer Discovery and UDP tracker.

  • Metalink Enabled.aria2 supports The Metalink Download Description Format(aka Metalink v4),Metalink version 3 andMetalink/HTTP.Metalink offers the file verification, HTTP/FTP/SFTP/BitTorrent integrationand the various configurations for language, location, OS, etc.

  • Remote Control.aria2 supports RPC interface to control the aria2 process.The supported interfaces are JSON-RPC (over HTTP and WebSocket)and XML-RPC.

Usage Examples

Command-line scares you off? No, aria2 is really easy to use!!

Download from WEB:

Download from 2 sources:

Download using 2 connections per host:


BitTorrent Magnet URI:


Download URIs found in text file:

Related Projects

  • apt-metalink: Faster package downloads for Debian/Ubuntu
  • powerpill: Pacman wrapper for parallel and segmented downloads.
  • python3-aria2jsonrpc: A wrapper class around Aria2’s JSON RPC interface.
  • aria2.js: JavaScript (browsers and Node.js) library and cli for aria2 RPC

UI Frontends

  • webui-aria2: Web browser interface for aria2 (2012 GSOC project)
  • uGet: the Linux Download Manager


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (atyour option) any later version.


25 July 2013

It's in the HTML

  • Roles, states, and properties
  • Basic keyboard accessibility

Types of pet

And that's important

First, there's the DOM

Accessibility APIs

Mac OS


  • MSAA
  • IAccessible2
  • UI Automation

Inspecting the Accessibility APIs


  • AViewer
  • Accessibility Probe
  • Inspect Objects (MS Windows SDK)

Mac OS

  • Accessibility Inspector (Xcode)


  • Accerciser

Demo: Mac Accessibility Inspector

Types of pet

Still, there's the DOM

Useful when:

  • the API does not support certain information, or
  • the information passed to the API is incomplete

Native vs. Custom Widgets

Example: Checkbox (1/3)

No keyboard access.

No role or state information.

Solution: WAI-ARIA

It's just attributes and values

  • roles use @role, e.g.
  • states and properties use @aria-*,

It's part of the HTML5 specification.

Landmark roles

  • application
  • banner
  • complementary
  • contentinfo
  • form
  • main
  • navigation
  • search

Document structure roles

  • article
  • columnheader
  • definition
  • directory
  • document
  • group
  • heading
  • img
  • list
  • listitem
  • math
  • note
  • presentation
  • region
  • row
  • rowheader
  • separator
  • toolbar

Native ARIA semantics

  • header → “banner” role, if not a child of section or article
  • nav → “navigation” role
  • main → “main” role
  • aside → “complementary” role
  • footer → “contentinfo” role, if not a child of section or article

Standalone widget roles

  • alert
  • alertdialog
  • button
  • checkbox
  • dialog
  • gridcell
  • link
  • log
  • marquee
  • menuitem
  • menuitemcheckbox
  • menuitemradio
  • option
  • progressbar
  • radio
  • scrollbar
  • slider
  • spinbutton
  • status
  • tab
  • tabpanel
  • textbox
  • timer
  • tooltip
  • treeitem

Composite widget roles

  • combobox
  • grid
  • listbox
  • menu
  • menubar
  • radiogroup
  • tablist
  • tree
  • treegrid

Native ARIA semantics

  • button → “button” role
  • input type='checkbox → “checkbox” role
  • input type='radio' → “radio” role

Overriding native HTML semantics

  • list item button

States and properties

Widget attributes

  • aria-autocomplete
  • aria-checked (state)
  • aria-disabled (state)
  • aria-expanded (state)
  • aria-haspopup
  • aria-hidden (state)
  • aria-invalid (state)
  • aria-label
  • aria-level
  • aria-multiline
  • aria-multiselectable
  • aria-orientation
  • aria-pressed (state)
  • aria-readonly
  • aria-required
  • aria-selected (state)
  • aria-sort
  • aria-valuemax
  • aria-valuemin
  • aria-valuenow
  • aria-valuetext

Live region attributes

  • aria-atomic
  • aria-busy (state)
  • aria-live
  • aria-relevant

Drag-and-drop attributes

  • aria-dropeffect
  • aria-grabbed (state)

Relationship attributes

  • aria-activedescendant
  • aria-controls
  • aria-describedby
  • aria-flowto
  • aria-labelledby
  • aria-owns
  • aria-posinset
  • aria-setsize

Managing keyboard focus

  • Adds an element to the Tab order at its position in the source order.

  • Removes an element from the Tab order.
    Makes non-focusable elements programmatically focusable.
  • (Avoid)
    Specifies an element's position following the default Tab order.


Removes an element's default semantics.

Level 3 heading

Not a heading

Layout table
Name:Jonas Salk
Discovery:Polio vaccine
Not a table
Name:Jonas Salk
Discovery:Polio vaccine

Not on focusable elements

Don't do this!

It won't work anyway.

Example: Checkbox (1/3) revisited

No keyboard access.

No role or state information.

Example: Checkbox (2/3)

Add keyboard support

Still no role or state information.

Example: Checkbox (3/3)

Add role and state

  1. add role='checkbox' and @aria-checked
  1. add toggle for @aria-checked

Role and state provided.

Example: range slider (1/3)

input type='range'

Supported in Opera, Safari, Chrome, IE10,
and FF23 (6 August 2013).

Otherwise falls back to input type='text'.

Example: range slider (2/3)

Custom slider with JavaScript

Keyboard accessible with tabindex='0'
and handlers for left arrow and right arrow.

No programmatic label.

No role or state information.

Example: range slider (3/3)

Custom slider with JavaScript plus ARIA

  1. add role='slider'
  2. associate the label using @aria-labelledby
  3. add required ARIA attributes
  4. dynamically update @aria-valuenow
    and @aria-valuetext

Labels and descriptions



Labels and descriptions


Labels and descriptions


Note: Your comment may be published.

Tabs: Initial markup

Man with dog

Horse and bridal party

Tabs: Styling

  1. add some class names and style appropriately
  2. selected tab panel is visible
  3. inactive tab panels are hidden

No role or state information provided.

Man with dog

Pet-A-Likes: Primped

Horse and bridal party

Saturday Night Special: Horsing Around

Tabs: Role, state, and keyboard

  1. add ARIA attributes and tabindex
  2. script appropriate keyboard interaction

Tabs: ARIA accessible

Man with dog

Pet-A-Likes: Primped

Horse and bridal party

Saturday Night Special: Horsing Around

Live regions

Aria Mac Os Update

  • aria-live='assertive/polite/off'
  • aria-atomic='true/false'
  • aria-relevant='additions/removals/text/all'

*Click 'Users online' heading below to start/stop demo.

Users online

Types of live regions



Default is aria-live='assertive'.

Make someone happy with this stunning 87 piece bracelet.
All yours for just $24.99.

Things I didn't cover

  • role='application'
  • role='menu'
  • role='menubar'
  • role='tree'
  • role='grid'
  • role='treegrid'
  • role='alertdialog'
  • role='spinbutton'
  • role='progressbar'
  • aria-hidden
  • aria-required
  • aria-expanded
  • aria-activedescendant
  • aria-haspopup
  • aria-dropeffect
  • aria-invalid
  • aria-pressed
  • aria-level

...and more

Good news

Aria Mac Os Catalina

Browser and screen reader support is improving all the time.

Good support for structural roles and many common widgets and attributes.

Not so good news

Still lots of variability in browser and screen reader support,
especially for complex widgets.

Due diligence

Do the research, as you do…

Rules of engagement

Rules of engagement


First rule of ARIA use

Use native HTML elements and attributes as much as possible.

Second rule of ARIA use

Don't override native HTML semantics, unless absolutely necessary.


Image credits


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