Chemtrails! Mac OS

Chemtrails! Mac OS

May 24 2021

Chemtrails! Mac OS

Scientists: 'Planet-Hacking' Plan For Atmosphere Could Keep Earth Habitable For Longer., Written By: Kevin Loria. Speculative chemtrail theories have abounded for years because people are either too lazy or too ill-equipped to do the proper research into the real roots of atmospheric tampering, namely, scientific geo-engineering. 1 Welcome to Chemtrails Wiki - It's way over our heads! 2 Chemtrails 3 History of Chemtrails: 4 Latest activity Something is happening in the skies across the planet. Masses of different planes are moving across the skies at varying speeds producing clouds that are blocking the Sun through the production of haze and clouds, which are ultimately changing our climates. It is amazing that. Chemtrails look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of Xs, tick-tack-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mare's tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join.

Chemtrails! Mac OS

What are cloudships?
Cloudships come from the Galactic Federation of Light, a benevolent federation of beings who have come to assist humanity during these very special times. First you can see the ships in cloud vapour...soon actual ships will manifest and their inhabitants will walk among us. The man in this image is Ted Cooper who used to be my neighbour in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada.

What shape are cloudships?
Cloudships can take on many shapes...they are not of solid form, rather they can change shape...this shapeshifting can be witnessed with the naked eye and
documentedwithphotos and with video cameras.

.....and then he posed for a picture with it!....

I'm not sure what's happening here, but something is!

What is that?!

Chemtrails Mac Os Catalina

'Normal' clouds don't have 90 degree angles.

Chemtrails Mac Os Download

What are Sylphs?

Sylphsarethesky elementals.
Sylphs are caretakers of the sky.
Sylphs are letting themselves be noticed by humans.
Sylphs are playful messengers, loving, carefree, and dedicated.
If you want to a Sylph to visit you....ask them!

Can you see the many bird shapes in this image?
This is proof of the high intelligence of Sylphs.

I took this same image and made some reflections...

This sylph flew across the sky and held it's shape!!!! (check next pic)

Chemtrails! Mac OS

Can you see the face in this sylph image below?

The Clouds Parted for Me and the Sylph Procession Began

Chemtrails! Mac OS

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